Saturday 22 January 2011


Note: there is a theological difference between a promissory covenant (a unilateral pledge, that is, one where God imposes no obligations or conditions – the Abrahamic covenant and later the Davidic one), and a covenant of obligation (the Mosaic one), which is subject, like ancient suzerainty treaties, to the sanctions of blessing and curse.


Children of Israel multiply in Egypt. They are dreaded by a new Pharaoh ofEgypt, and made slaves. The Pharoah unsuccessfully tries to get the midwives to kill new-born Israelites males. He then orders all new-born males to be cast into the river.


Moses born to a Levite family. He is cast onto the river in an ark of bulrushes. He is discovered by the Pharaoh’s daughter, and raised in the Pharaoh’s household. Moses kills an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew. He flees to Midian, is married to the daughter of a priest called Jethro, and bears a son called Gershom. God hears Israel’s cry.


On mount Horeb, God calls Moses from a burning bush to ask the Pharaoh to let Israel go. God will deliver the Israelites into Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses is to say that ‘I AM’ has sent him. God predicts the Pharaoh’s obstinacy.


Moses is anxious that he will not be listened to, so God demonstrates signs that he can use: his staff is transformed into a snake and then back to a staff, and his made is made leprous then restored. God says that Moses will also be able to turn water from the river into blood. Moses is anxious about his eloquence, but God reassures him, saying He will help, and so will Aaron. God meets Moses and seeks to kill him. Moses’ son is circumcised, and his wife accuses him of being a husband of blood. Moses and Aaron gives signs to the Israelites, who believe.


Moses asks Pharaoh to let Israel go. Pharaoh refuses, increasing the work of Israel and making them gather their own straw to make bricks. Israelites blames Moses. Moses asks God why this has happened.


God tells Moses He will deliver Israel, and keep His covenant. The Israelites do not heed Moses, however. God asks Moses to speak with Pharaoh. The descendants of Israel are listed. Moses fears that he has uncircumcised lips.


Aaron’s place in the ministry of Moses reaffirmed. God speaks with Moses; the Pharaoh’s heart will be hardened so the Lord can multiply his wonders. Moses and Aaron see Pharaoh; Aaron’s rod becomes a serpent when it is cast down. The Pharaoh’s magicians perform the same trick, but Aaron’s serpent devours all the other serpents. The Nile is turned to blood and polluted. The Pharaoh’s heart is hardened.


‘Let me people go, that they may serve me.’ Plague of frogs, plague of lice and plague of flies come on Egypt. Pharaoh says Israel can go, but changes his mind and hardens his heart.


God instructs Moses; plague of livestock (though the livestock of the Israelites are unaffected), plague of boils, plague of hail (everywhere but in Goshen, where the Israelites were). Pharaoh admits sin but later hardens his heart.


Moses talks with Pharaoh. There is a plague of locusts. Pharaoh repents, then hardens his heart when a wind has blown the locusts away. There is a further plague of darkness. Pharaoh offers to let the Israelites go without their livestock, but Moses rejects the offer, and the Pharaoh’s heart is hardened once more.


God speaks with Moses, and tells him to collect gold and silver from the Egyptians. Moses tells Pharaoh that the firstborn Egyptians will die, and Israel will go free. Pharaoh hardens his heart.


Passover: lamb without blemish killed at twilight, and its blood smeared on the door. It will be eaten as if in a hurry, with staff in hand, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, with none of it left to the next day. Passover instituted as a remembrance – seven days of eating unleavened bread. Firstborn of Egypt die; Pharaoh tells Israel to go. God delivers Israel out of Egypt. They take unleavened bread with them to eat. They had been in Egypt 430 years. No foreigner or uncircumcised person to eat Passover.


Consecration of firstborn of Israel to the Lord. If the firstborn was unacceptable to sacrifice (an unclean animal or a human) a substitute was offered to redeem the firstborn from God. If the firstborn was an animal the substitute was a clean animal. If the firstborn was a human, the substitute was money.The Feast of Unleavened Bread in remembrance of the Lord’s deliverance. Israel is led via the Red Sea. Moses takes the bones of Joesph with him. The Lord leads them in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of cloud by night.


Israel camps by Red Sea. The Pharaoh’s heart is hardened, and he pursues the Israelites. The Israelites are frightened and complain. The pillar of cloud is positioned between the Israelites and the Egyptians, giving light to the former, and darkness to the latter. Lord parts the Red sea; the Israelites cross and the Egyptians are drowned.


Israel sings victory song: ‘The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.’ Miriam, Moses’ sister, leads the women in dance and praise. At Marah, bitter water is made sweet when Moses is instructed by the Lord to cast a tree in the water. The Lord promises health; Israel comes to Elim.


Israel comes to Wilderness of Sin, and complain about lack of food. God sends quails and manna (wafers mixed with honey) from heaven. (‘Manna’ means ‘What is that?’ and comes from what the Israelites say when they first see it.) Some Israelites ignore that the rule they should only gather one omer per person. It also had to be consumed that day – if it was left to the next day, it bred worms and stank. A double portion falls on the day before the Sabbath, so the Israelites can rest. Moses and Aaron save a portion of manna as a testimony of God’s provision.


Israel comes to Rephidim, complains about no water. Moses strikes rock, water comes out. Israel wins battle against Amalek, with the aid of Joshua. Moses supports the battle through prayer, lifting up his hands. When his hands become tired, they are supported in their elevated position by a stone propped underneath. God promises to utterly blot out the name of Amalek.


Jethro brings Moses family back to him, and visits Moses. Jethro advises Moses to delegate judgement and leadership to deputies of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.


Israelites camp at Mount Sinai. Moses meets God on Sinai, carries the message that God will make them a privileged nation.In three days’ time, God will descend on Mount Sinai, which is declared to be holy, and therefore out-of-bounds. The Israelites must be ceremonially pure for this occasion, having abstained from contact with their wives, and with washed clothes. When the day comes, there is thunder and lightening, as the Lord descends on Sinai in fire. Moses and Aaron ascend Sinai, while everyone else must stay on the ground.


God speaks Ten Commandments to Israel: No others gods, no graven images, no taking the name of the Lord in vain, keep the Sabbath, honour parents, don’t murder, commit adultery, steal, lie or covet. The people are afraid of the Lord, and are glad they have Moses as their mediator. Moses draws near the thick darkness where God is. Altars are not to be made of hewn stone – altars are defiled if tools are used on it.


God reveals laws to Moses. A Hebrew slave will be freed in the seventh year of service. Any children or wife a slave has will belong to the master. If the slave wishes to continue serving after seven years, he will be permitted to do so, and his ear pierced with an awl. A female slave who is bought cannot be sold to a foreigner. If a master infringe the rights of a female slave, then she shall go free without having to pay anything. Premeditated murder is punishable by death. It is an unpremeditated muder (eg a crime of passion) then there will be a place appointed for him to flee. Death for murdering or cursing parents, or kidnap. If, because of a conflict, a man is unable to work because of an injury received at the hand of another, the one who injured him must pay compensation to the man and his family. A man will be punished for beating a slave to death, but not if he live for a couple of days. Where a pregnant woman is injured, the punishment is to be assessed according to whether there is lasting damage. An ox who has gored someone will be killed – its owner will also be killed if the animal has had a history of violent behavior. Compensation must be paid if an animal falls into the pit of another man. An eye for an eye – this is actually a means of limiting retribution.


Restitution in case of theft – five oxen for one ox stolen. Homeowner not allowed to use lethal force on a thief in daylight. Restitution for damage caused by animals or fire. Further laws concerning animals and restitution. A man must marry or provide for someone he has had pre-marital sex with. Sorcery, bestiality and sacrificing to other gods are punishable by death. Compassionate treatment of the poor enjoined – no interest to be demanded on loans. If you take your poor neighbour’s garment as a pledge, you must return it before sundown so he can sleep in it. You must give first fruit of ripe produce, first sons, and first livestock to the Lord. No eating on an animal that has died in the field.


You shall not circulate a false report, or be a false witness. Kindness and righteous civil conduct enjoined. No oppressing of a stranger. Sabbath year – every seventh year, the fields shall lie fallow. Man shall rest on the seventh day. Three annual feasts – Unleavened Bread, Harvest, and Ingathering (see in Leviticus for further details). Sacrifices not to be offered with unleavened bread. A young goat not to be boiled in its mother’s milk. An angel is sent to guide and judge. The angel will help them overcome their enemies if they are obedient. No covenant to be made with alien nations who serve other gods.


Moses builds an altar at the base of the mountain. He makes a sacrifice, and sprinkles the blood on the people, telling them that it is the blood of the covenant. Moses and the elders (Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu) see God on mount – under His feet there is a paved work of sapphire stone. Moses alone ascends into the mountain to God, concealed by cloud, to receive the Ten Commandments.


God speaks to Moses: Israel to bring offerings. Instructions for bulding the Ark of the Covenant. Wooden, overlaid with gold. Four rings, through which poles can be inserted for carrying. The lid of the ark is the mercy seat – it is made of pure gold. There are two cherubims at either end, outstretching their wings. God will speak to Moses from between the wings of the cherubims.

God describes to Moses the design of the bronze altar of sacrifice, along with shovels, basins and other utensils. Describes curtains for the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle, and the pillars. God commands the lamp to be tended by Aaron and his sons so it burns continually.


God describes to Moses the design of tabernacle curtains (covered with patterns of cherubims), roof, rods and boards, Holy and Most Holy places (separated by a veil; the showbread table and lamp go in the former, the Ark in the latter)


God describes to Moses the design of the bronze altar of sacrifice, along with shovels, basins and other utensils. Describes curtains for the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle, and the pillars. God commands the lamp to be tended by Aaron and his sons so it burns continually.


Aaron and sons to be consecrated as priests. God describes to Moses the priests’ garments: breastplate (four rows of three genstones, each with a name of a tribe on it), gemstones (on the shoulder straps, each engraved with the names of six tribes), ephod (apron), blue robe with bells on its hem, tunic, turban (with ‘Holiness to the Lord’ engraved on gold on it) and sash.


God describes to Moses the consecration and anointing of Aaron and sons as priests, including offerings (which is carried out in Leviticus 8). Blood of bull on the horns on the altar, and on the base; entrail fat, lobe attached to liver and kidneys burnt on the altar; the flesh, skin and offal are burnt outside the camp, as a sin offering. Also a whole ram is burnt on the altar. Another ram is sacrified, and its blood sprinked on the the priest being consecrated. Part of this second ram - the best parts - was put together with the bread, cake, and the wafer and was first waved before God in an act of presentation. Then these portions were burnt on the altar. Consecration process to last seven days – daily sacrifices. Morning and evening sacrifices are described.


God tells Moses description, design and usage of altar of incense (located in the Holy Place). Aaron will make a blood atonement on the altar once a year. Ransom offering when a census is carried out, to be paid by every man. (Census implied ownership, so the ransom money is an acknowledgment that Israel belongs to God.) Bronze laver; how to make the holy oil and incense.


God tells Moses who He chose as artisans for tabernacle. God explains Sabbath, a sign of the covenant – whoever does work on the Sabbath will be put to death. God gives two stone tablets of the Testimony to Moses – written with the finger of God.


When Moses in delayed up the mountain, Aaron leads Israel in making golden calf from earrings and other jewellery. They falsely worship it, and God is displeased with his ‘stiff-necked’ people. Moses pleads for Israel, reminding Him of the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Moses descends from the mountain – Joshua thinks the sound of worship is actually war. Moses smashes the stone tablets, grounds the golden calf to powder, scatters it on the water and makes the Israelites drink it. Moses tells all those who choose the Lord to come to him. The sons of Levi choose Moses’ side, and kill 3000 idolaters. At Moses’ further intercession, God blots the names of the sinners of of His book (ie forgives them). Nonetheless, punishments are promised, and plagues ensue.


God commands Israel to depart to Canaan, but calls Israel stiff-necked. The Israelites strip themselves of their ornaments in penance. Moses meets God in tabernacle, where the pillar of cloud descends. Moses finds grace in God’s sight – the Israelites will be separate (ie holy) from all other peoples. Moses asks to see God’s glory. God says he cannot see his face, because he will die. Moses is placed in the cleft of a rock; God covers Moses’ eyes with His hand as He passes by, then allows Moses to see his back.


God instructs Moses to cut two more tablets of stone, and come up Sinai again, so the Testimony can be rewritten. The Lord’s name is proclaimed – He will visit the inquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations. God reaffirms His covenant with Israel, but warns Israel that they must be separate from the Canaanites in worship, politics, fellowship and marriage. Three festivals stipulated (Unleavened Bread, Weeks, Ingathering) – all men shall appear before the Lord for these festivals. Moses is with the Lord forty days and forty nights. New stone tablets are created. Moses’ face shines when he comes down, so he veils himself. Whenever he speaks to the Lord, he takes off the veil and his face shines again. He replaces the veil when he has finished talking.


Moses tells Israel about the Sabbath – no fire to be kindled on a Sabbath day. Moses asks for offerings to help build the Tabernacle. Offerings are made; Bezaleel and Aholiab are designated as the artistic coordinators of the Tabernacle.


Children of Israel bring more than enough offerings for the sanctuary. Construction of outer parts of sanctuary begins, as prescribed in chapter 26.


Bezalel makes ark, mercy seat, cherubim, table, lampstand, incense altar and holy oil, as prescribed in chapter 25. Design of inside furniture described.


Bezalel makes altar of burnt offering and utensils, laver, courtyard curtains and gate; tabernacle materials and amounts listed of gold, silver and bronze.


Garments of ministry, ephod, breastplate, robe, tunic and crown made; tabernacle and materials completed, and brought to Moses, who blesses all involved.


God tells Moses how to arrange furniture and other items in the tabernacle, and in the courtyard (see image above). Preists are anointed. God fills the tabernacle, and a cloud rests on it. God's glory abides with Israel in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. The pillar determines where they go – the Israelites do not move without it leading the way.


  1. Thank you so much for this! It's perfect for my English assignment.

  2. well summarized,I like it and enjoy reading.

  3. thank you for your effort. It helped a lot.

  4. This helped so much with my Bible class assignment! Thanks so much! Bless your soul

  5. omg i am so grateful for the person who has written this.It is very helpful mostly in Tanzania missionary schools where we get assignments to summary bible books during our holidays, The fact that there is images makes it even more awesome.May the Almighty continue enlightening you to enlighten others.

  6. This helped me so much to make my Bible study notes!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ’— THANK YOU! !

  7. Thank you so much. It's very helpful to us. Through this writings we could attain so many wisdom and knowledge too.
